Piñata Muffins

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Piñata Muffins

Piñata muffins with a surprise center, perfect for children's birthday parties. These chocolate muffins are filled with Smarties, M&M’s, or gummy bears, creating a delightful hidden treat. The recipe is quick and simple, and the muffins can be prepared a day ahead. Store them covered or in an airtight container to keep them fresh.


Ingredients for about 13-14 pieces:

All ingredients for the batter should be at room temperature.

For the chocolate batter:

  • 250 g wheat flour (or 200 g gluten-free universal flour mix, e.g., Schär's Farine)
  • 30 g cocoa powder
  • 120 g sugar
  • 2 eggs (size M)
  • 250 ml buttermilk
  • 80 ml rapeseed oil
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 1 level tsp baking soda
  • 1 level tsp baking powder

For the chocolate glaze:

  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 1 tsp rapeseed oil


  • About 250 g of Smarties, M&M’s, gummy bears, etc.


  1. Chop 100 g of dark chocolate and set aside. (In a Thermomix, chop for 4 seconds at speed 6).
  2. In one bowl, mix the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda, and baking powder together.
  3. In a second bowl, whisk together the eggs, buttermilk, and oil. Add the dry ingredients from the first bowl and mix briefly with a whisk, just until the ingredients are combined. Finally, add the chopped chocolate and mix briefly to combine.
  4. Line the muffin tray with paper liners. Fill each liner with batter up to about ¾ of the way. (This recipe yields about 13–14 muffins, slightly more than the typical 12).
  5. Bake the muffins in a preheated oven at 180°C (top and bottom heat) for about 25 minutes. (It may not be accurate to test with a toothpick, as you might hit a piece of melted chocolate inside the muffin. To be sure, check in two or three different spots).
  6. After baking, remove the muffins from the oven and let them rest in the pan for 5-10 minutes. Then, transfer them onto a cooling rack to cool completely.
  7. Make a hole in the cooled muffins using a large piping nozzle (piping tip) or a knife. To do this, insert the nozzle into the center of the muffin, twist it, and then pull it out. The cake that stays in the nozzle can be set aside. Alternatively, you can cut the hole with a knife, and keep the cut-out cake for later use.


  1. You can use a teaspoon to scoop out a bit more cake to deepen the hole in the muffin.
  2. Scoop some sweets into the center of the muffin, leaving a little space at the top. Cover the filled area with the piece of cake that was cut out earlier.


  1. Prepare the chocolate glaze: Chop the chocolate and melt it with a teaspoon of oil in a double boiler. Spoon the glaze over the muffins, covering the cut-out cake. Immediately decorate with sweets (arranging them so that they don't slide off the glaze).
  2. Allow the chocolate to cool.


  • The muffins can be prepared the day before the event.


Preparation time:
Baking time:
Waiting time:
Ilość porcji

Number of pieces:

approx. 13 muffins

Trudność Difficulty:: easy
Koszt Cost: Medium
Piñata Muffins
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